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The Grounds at AIA Vitality Park (The Grounds) 呈獻多元化娛樂的同時更支援受疫情影響的本地業界

The Grounds at AIA Vitality Park (The Grounds) is adopting the ‘new normal’ of socialising responsibly with its innovative, socially distanced entertainment offering. As the first entertainment and recreational space in Hong Kong purpose-built for the era of COVID-19, The Grounds provides visitors a responsible environment to be entertained safely within socially distanced private pods enclosed with friendly garden picket fences. With a full schedule of interactive programming along with a variety of food and beverage options, The Grounds welcomes guests into an environment where they can enjoy a unique outdoor experience safely and comfortably.

The Grounds at AIA Vitality Park(簡稱The Grounds)為全港首個專門應對2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)疫情的活動空間,位處中環的戶外私人花園坐擁璀璨維港景緻,客人可於專屬活動空間內自由活動。為了讓各位在適當社交距離下安心享樂,每個活動空間均設以圍欄,並且相隔1.5米。此外,The Grounds與知名品牌合作,帶來雲集親子趣味、健身運動、音樂表演、美酒佳餚等包羅萬有的活動,在呈獻多元化娛樂的同時更支援受疫情影響的本地業界。

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