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【Exploring Data Forecasting, Product Recommendation and NLP Technologies &Applications】Webinar


In artificial intelligence, natural language processing (NLP) is one of the hottest topics allowing computersto understand human languages. It has been demonstrated that NLP techniques are continuously evolving and that applications are increasingly being implemented by organizations to solve a wide range of problems. Especially its application and cross utilization with product recommendation and data forecasting.

In this webinar, we aim to equip ICT professionals with the knowledge on understanding the technologies, use cases, trends and applications of NLP technologies, data forecasting & product recommendation.

Keynote Speakers:

Ming Cheung - Research Scientist, The Lane Crawford Joyce Group

Sunny Wong - Director of Product Development, / Set Sail Software

Wai Hei Chow - Solutions Architect, Amazon AWS

Terence Pong - Vice President, Product Marketing, Fano Labs


【Exploring Data Forecasting, Product Recommendation and NLP Technologies &


21 January 2022 | 12:00 - 18:40 |English Webinar|Free Admission

HKEBA Official Website:


Acknowledgment of Support and Disclaimer

This material/event is funded by the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/any event organised under this project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme.

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